Ya gotta love this Gov! Terry Goddard has openly stated he does not support sb1070 in the past. So... instead of playing politics as usual, allowing a detractor to sabotage this bill from the inside, she shows the world that she truly believes in the merit of this measure. I love the comment section of that article. The ideas that removing the AG is somehow wrong or a waste of resources cracks me up. Lets put it in this light for 'em... if you're on trial for a murder you didn't commit, would you want your defense attorney to be the guy that did commit the murder? There is far more at stake here than just this little immigration bill. In my research on some of my other frustrations, it has become clear that there has been a movement toward Marxist-socialism in the liberal parts of our government over the last thirty years. It began to become more overt during the Clinton administration. In his first year as President, he began to repay Chinese campaign donations with our nations top nuclear secrets, and it went downhill from there. I'll detail more in later posts. Bush helped set the stage for today with his long time family friend Vicente Fox, former President of Mexico. Fox's criticism of our immigration policies helped set the stage for the circus with president Calderon last week. Obama has brought the socialist agenda out in the open, and who better to do it than the first black president? Many Americans that are not sleeping through history wouldn't look too closely out of fear of appearing racist, and they will even adamantly defend his policies out of the same motivation. This leaves far too few of us scrambling to duck out from behind the eight-ball having to both try and stop this destruction of our country, and awaken our fellow countrymen to action.
Then here comes Governor Brewer. She helps pass a bill that follows the wishes of the founding fathers by trying to put control of immigration back in our states' hands. What happens? The federal government begins a despicable campaign to keep their control, to maintain their ability to do nothing by planting the seed that Arizona is racist. Governor Brewer rejects this and hires an independent team to fight the federal government in court. She then removes a key instrument of the federal campaign in Terry Goddard. I'm impressed with this governor, and that scares me a bit. I am, after all, a cynic. While I fully support her efforts to fend off the fed, I understand that politics is all an elaborate magic act, and I wonder... while we're all focused on these issues... what's going on that we're missing?
Then here comes Governor Brewer. She helps pass a bill that follows the wishes of the founding fathers by trying to put control of immigration back in our states' hands. What happens? The federal government begins a despicable campaign to keep their control, to maintain their ability to do nothing by planting the seed that Arizona is racist. Governor Brewer rejects this and hires an independent team to fight the federal government in court. She then removes a key instrument of the federal campaign in Terry Goddard. I'm impressed with this governor, and that scares me a bit. I am, after all, a cynic. While I fully support her efforts to fend off the fed, I understand that politics is all an elaborate magic act, and I wonder... while we're all focused on these issues... what's going on that we're missing?
ICE and DHS will not process illegal immigrants?!!
Seriously?!! For those who may not have read or heard the news, I have posted the link to the story to the right. I have a fair command of the English language folks. Yet I am finding it extremely difficult to put into words the absolute outrage, disgust, and contempt over the attitudes being displayed by our government. Ensuring the national security of this country and it's constitution is the cornerstone of federal public service, our officials know this and swear an oath to do just that as required by law. So I am absolutely astounded to see some of the highest ranking officials in positions, who's sole purpose is to safeguard that very security, publicly stating that they WILL NOT DO IT!! What's more... our very own president not only allowing this mentality and course of action to progress. He is openly supportive of it. He has sanctioned an active investigation using government resources with the purpose of discovering a means to prevent our state law from being enforceable! Let me put this in more day to day terms to see if I got it right. I'll start with a quote from the article."The best way to reduce illegal immigration is through a comprehensive federal approach, he said, and not a patchwork of state laws." Could he be referring to the comprehensive federal approach that has been in existence for decades? The one that has allowed this problem to flourish in the first place... that approach? The very one that allowed the 9-11 terrorists to enter this country through Arizona? Then train and hone the abilities they would use to murder on our soil? That approach? Or maybe it's the comprehensive approach that has enabled illegals to make Arizona the number one kidnapping capital of the nation... and second globally only to MEXICO CITY!!! Could it be that approach!!
One of the most cleverly despicable tactics being employed to try and gain public support for this nonsense is the portrayal that the term illegal immigrant somehow equates exclusively to Mexicans. That my friends is patently a false assumption. The majority of Muslim extremists wishing to do us harm are from countries on the other side of the globe. Not Mexico. Yet, oddly enough, with a little training they can learn Spanish and pass for Mexican easily. How convenient for them that we have such a porous border, so easily passable. Let me attempt to phrase that militarily. How very considerate of us to engage our enemy in our war on terror so fiercely on their soil, on one front. Then offer them not only a completely uncontested front on our soil, but then have our regional ally (Mexico) provide them with a procedure and road map of the best way to take advantage of us. I speak now of the pamphlets printed and distributed by the Mexican government under former president Vicente Fox, distributed along the Mexican side of the border.
With regard to ICE and DHS:
Unless I'm mistaken, their place is not to choose which laws they will or will not enforce. Nor is it their mandate to determine the constitutionality of our laws. It is their job to uphold our laws and ensure our national security. By flatly refusing to uphold the laws they are primarily responsible for, they have removed the relevance of their own bureaucracy and therefore should be either shut down completely. Empowering the individual states to enforce immigration laws. Or be completely restructured to the end of ensuring those in command WILL follow the mandate of providing for the security and sovereignty of this country. Prosecution of the traitors currently holding these positions goes without saying.
President Obama:
Obama speaks, erroneously, against SB 1070. Three high level members of his cabinet speak out, erroneously, against SB 1070 later admitting they have not read it themselves. The democrat side of the congress gives a standing ovation to a foreign dignitary also misrepresenting this law. Those events indicate to me that the party line was handed out and followed without question, nay, not even verified for deniability. The "line" being handed down form Obama states that SB 1070 is racist, will encourage racial profiling, and deny and/or violate the civil rights of citizens and illegals alike. IN FACT... SB 1070 is nearly a mirror image of the federal immigration law that has been around for decades. What do the few differences in SB 1070 do that the federal version does not? It clearly expands civil right protection by explicitly outlawing racial profiling! It affords legal and civil rights protection to victims of human smugglers. It expands due process protection to those found to be employed here illegally. To denounce this law as the leader of this country in the ways he has indicates a clear and troubling agenda. One that is clearly meant to divide the people of this country along racial lines. The fact that he has enlisted so many members of our government to assist in this act is unconscionable.
To have had soo much work and sacrifice applied to securing civil rights over the last century... to have them so blatantly disrespected and trampled on is by the U.S. government is unfathomable to me. To have these great efforts orchestrated by the first black president of this country... gives me a friggin twitch. This is one of the saddest of days.
And that's my opinion as an angry American,
An American Hostage
Edit: I've had about an hour to think this through a little better, I will be writing letters to my officials. Maybe a few others as well. Anyone wanting to join the write in for this or any other reason can find the contact info for your reps, and Governors here.
I'll post the link to the right as well.
A little motivation courtesy of Matt Berend.
Arizona to Pull Plug on L.A.?
I have to commend Gary Pierce on his eloquent handling of this. If California were financially viable at all I would say hike their rates so it came to 25% above what they had planned to penalize us for. Putting the option of renegotiation back on them was just smooth. Well done.
I am fairly certain that any boycott of one state by another is completely illegal. I have not had time to locate it yet, but I will add a link to the law when I find it. In all honesty, however, I wouldn't expect California to honor it either.
The links to this story are to the right.
Here is a great discussion on this issue.