For those who would like a decent history of it:
Be warned that what follows is my opinion on the matter, based on my own observations.
I believe the PC movement to be a clever (read sadistic) political tool designed to create social infighting and fear of each other, to the point of making the population involved completely dependent on a government body to act on their behalf. It plays on people's desire (at least socially) to be good and do the right thing, all the while creating a deep seated sense of fear and resentment. It does this by using their own personal insecurities to motivate them to behave in the desired fashion. Political Correctness is a complex study in social engineering that has successfully damaged the sense of brotherhood and community that we desperately need in order to run our country. It has done so through the guise of a respectful celebration of diversity. In addition to the spirits of fear, resentment, and irrational hatred that it has fostered; it has also created a sense of entitlement among people that no one or no thing is allowed to offend them. Should they be offended they then feel perfectly justified in expecting legal and or monetary punishment against said offender. Little dose of reality here folks: NEVER in the history of creation has life EVER functioned in such a fashion! It never will. The nature of life is brutal, uncaring, and insensitive, DO NOT allow modern convenience and luxury to fool you into believing otherwise.
Political Correctness has created a new found sense of segregation. Only this time it isn't just black vs. white. It's every ethnicity, religion, body type, handicap (genetic or induced), and social stature. So be fore warned, I will not be using politically correct terms in my posts save maybe Native Americans. I use that term simply because Indians... are from India.. Hello. If you are a citizen of this country you are an American. I do not entertain the notion of dual national loyalties. That is to say there are no African Americans, or Chinese Americans, etc. You are either African, Chinese, or American, and your behavior, language, and communal efforts need to reflect your chosen nationality. I'll elaborate further when I delve into immigration on my Arizona Politics page.
In order to save our nation from it's current state and prevent it from becoming something completely alien to us, we need to unite as a people and work together to that end. We can't do that if we allow those that would re-engineer our nation to set us against one another. We, as Americans are a family, brothers and sisters all. We don't have to like each other or agree with one another, but we MUST respect each other. That will require many of us to grow up. Set aside our fears, look each other in the eye and speak our minds, and allow others to speak their minds to us. The political landscape has become downright hostile toward the American people over the last couple decades. Politicians are no longer taking great lengths to disguise their motives and efforts, they are being quite open with their disdain for our population. We need to unite and run OUR country our own way and cease being dependent on the tried and true fraternities of greed and corruption. One essential step in that process is ending the politically correct machine.